Clooney's Pub Softball





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Clooney's Pub Slow Pitch Softball in San Mateo, California

Bay Area Stats : Softball stats & standings for Burlingame, Millbrae, San Mateo & Daly City

San Mateo : Softball league info

King Field in San Mateo (Located on El Dorado between Monte Diablo & Santa Inez Streets in San Mateo)
Driving 101 Southbound:
Take the Poplar Street Exit
Go straight on Poplar approx. ¼ of a mile.
Take a left on El Dorado.
The ball field is three blocks down on your left.

Driving 101 Northbound:
Take the 3rd Avenue Exit Westbound
Take a right on Delaware
Go approx. ¾ of a mile & take a right on Monte Diablo
Take your first left onto El Dorado.  The field is on your right.


Central Park in San Mateo  (South-East corner of 5th Avenue & El Camino Real in San Mateo)
From 101:
Take the 3rd Avenue Exit Westbound
Take a left on Delaware
Take a right on 5th Avenue
The ball field is on your left before the El Camino Real intersection.


Chanteloup Field in San Mateo (Located near Beresford Recreation Center on Alameda & 27th Avenue in San Mateo)
From 92:
Take the Alameda de las Pulgas exit Southbound.
The field is approx. ¾ of a mile on your right.


Joinville Field in San Mateo (Located near Joinville Swim Center and Bayside Middle School in San Mateo)
Driving 101 Southbound:
Take the 3rd Avenue Exit Eastbound
Take a right on Norfolk.
Go approx. 1 mile, take a left on Kehoe.
Go approx. ½ of a mile, the ball field is on the left.

Driving 101 Northbound:
Take Kehoe Avenue Exit
Go straight on Kehoe approx. ¾ of a mile, the field is on the left.





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